

                                                                        宮城県立美術館 学芸部長

The theme of Aono`s work is restoration".
He picks up discarded, soiled objects that are ordinarily despisedtorn pieces of cloth and newspaper, broken or rotted pieces of wood and signboards and uses fragments of them as materials for his art. Using printed patterns, wood grain, printed words, even dirt and mold, as his guides, he adds other materials or paint to the process of damage or soiling that has affected it. Or he may simply restore the basic colors without making other repairs. Truth and falsity are subtly blended so they are hard to distinguish from a distance. The object becomes a different thing, which is close to, but not the same as, the condition imagined from the clues that appeared when it was found.
Aono was motivated to undertake this series when he observed repairs of cracks in a concrete wall in which the cement was applid recklessly. This experience stimulated him to study the practice of retoration" in terms of sociology, language, ethnology, and psychology. Then he defamiliarized this practice of restoration" in his art, making it into an opportunity for fundamental rethinking.
It the artist carries out a process of restoration" carefully and as faithfully as possible to the object, his own creative intentions inevitably play less of a role in the work. However, the overall quantity and degree of restoration required to finish the work are left to the artist`s discretion, so it is impossible to say that his intentions play no part at all. Still, Aono presents his works as objects", and the process that goes into forming them is not evident to the viewer. They seem to have been transformed into natural objects with the passage of time and the effect of the element. We are made to perceive them in diverse ways and urged to think about the signiificance of artistic creation, the position of the artist, the physical mode of existence of the object itself and the flow of time.

                                                 -NISHIMURA lsaharu
                                     Chief Curator,The Miyagi Museum of Art